The second class sleeper train in Thailand broke down at 2am and we had to scramble down in a hurry (no platform) with our cases and backpacks, using our phones as torches, walk across the rail road tracks to another normal seating train, also no platform so I was pulled up into the train.
Most showers were cold to tepid, we slept on various old more mattresses on the floor in the homestay and had to climb down stairs that were very deep to go to the bathroom at night making sure our ankles and shoulders were covered as it was a Muslim family (towels around shoulders and sarongs covering ankles. It's Thailand so you don't usually sleep in these things.)
One shower didn't work at all so 7 of us took turns with a shower. The towels in most hotels were threadbare and one wouldn't keep them for their dogs. In the last hotel in Singapore it was the smallest room we have ever stayed in (Italy, Greece, Spain, New Zealand, Europe, China etc) and we had no window anywhere so had to have aircon on all the time, ending up sneezing all the time with the dust.
I realize that this is an economical trip but backpacking would be cheaper and may have warm showers plus one expects to rough it. The only saving grace was the tour leader Nes was wonderful and our group was amazing.